Monday 26 March 2012

Why Photography?

As I turned 17 I was faced with the situation of what to do with my life. One year of A Levels had shown me what to expect of the next stage of education and it worried me. I never believed myself to be creative so picked the more written based courses such as history and Psychology and after a year of these i needed something else....something fun.

I was faced with theater studies or Photography and the popularity of theater studies meant i was placed in photography, a choice ultimately made for me. Placed in a class filled with people i had never met i wondered what would happen. My teacher i had met years ago and doubted he would remember the quiet child who sat at the back and listened in silence,i was wrong. He did indeed remember me and it was a boost to my confidence.

Our first photography lesson was something of an eye opener,five minutes in we were asked "What is photography to you?". I looked at those around me and listened at their ideas,some had experience with photography many like myself were as green as they came. All the answers were different and when it finally came to my turn all i could say was that photography was a way of remembering,a way to show the world to others.

 The lessons seemed to pass quickly after that and over the course of the first year i found myself growing to like the course more and more and then one day everything seemed to fall into place. I made the decision to buy a professional camera and for a full two weeks I went and photographed whatever caught my eyes. It was an amazing experience and put me on the tracks of what i hope to be a long and prosperous career in photography.

Since my first official year studying Photography my skills have increased ten fold,i know things now that i never knew existed or believed i could ever know. I realize now that i am creative,Photography is something I enjoy, it's a challenge and it is always rewarding. I hope to learn much more in the coming years.

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